How to download a Google Sheet on a cron

Working with Google Cloud can be confusing for beginners and sometimes all you need is to manipulate a Google Sheet. I have a couple of use cases for downloading a sheet and uploading a sheet. I haven’t quite figured out the upload part yet, but I have got downloading to work. I’ve decided to write a guide for that to hopefully help others out.

Step 1: Where to run the script

The first thing to figure out is where and how to run this script. I needed to run the script on a cron and have the downloaded CSV available via SFTP so I chose to set up a new Digital Ocean droplet. You could just as easily set this up as a Cloudflare Worker, or an AWS Lambda function if you didn’t need to access the file via SFTP.

Step 2: What language to use

This is really down to personal preference. Google has a variety of client libraries available to use such as Node.js, PHP, and Python. For this project, I decided to go with Python. It’s not a language I code in very often but it’s easy to use and has minimal setup on a blank Ubuntu install on my Digital Ocean droplet.

Step 3: Create a Google Cloud project

To enable us to work with the Google Sheets API we need a Google Cloud project. To create one go to Google Cloud Console, create a new project or select an existing one. Next, we need to enable the relevant API. Click “APIs & Services”.

Then click the Enable APIs & Services button.

Then search for “Google Sheets API”.

Now enable it for your project.

In order to interact with the API, we need a service account. Head back to the APIs & Services page, then click on Credentials in the left-hand sidebar. Click “+ CREATE CREDENTIALS” and select “Service account”.

Fill in the service account details and grant it any role that has permission to access Google Sheets.

After creating the service account, click on it and go to the “Keys” tab. Click “Add Key” and choose “JSON”. A JSON key file will be downloaded. This file contains the credentials your script will use to authenticate. Upload this file to your server and make a note of the path. You’ll need this for later. Make sure to keep this key safe as it grants access to your Google Sheet.

Open your Google Sheet and share it with the email address of the service account you just created, giving it at least “Viewer” permissions.

Step 4: Write some code

We first need to install the necessary packages. Depending on which language you chose, this process will be slightly different. As I chose Python, I’m going to use Pip to install my packages. To install Python 3 and pip on Ubuntu, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip

Then I installed the Google Client Library

pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib

Here’s my Python file for downloading the sheet. Make sure to replace:

  • 'path/to/your/service-account-file.json' with the path of your uploaded service account key file.
  • 'your_google_sheet_id_here' with the actual ID of your Google Sheet (found in the sheet’s URL).
  • 'Sheet1' with the name of the sheet (or specific range) you want to download.
  • '/path/to/your/folder/sheet.csv' with the path where you want the CSV file to be saved.
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials
import requests

# Path to your service account key file
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = 'path/to/your/service-account-file.json'

# The ID of your Google Sheet and the range you want to download
SHEET_ID = 'your_google_sheet_id_here'
RANGE_NAME = 'Sheet1'  # or whatever your sheet is named

# Authenticate using the service account
credentials = Credentials.from_service_account_file(
        SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE, scopes=[''])

service = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=credentials)

# Make the API call
sheet = service.spreadsheets().values().get(spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, range=RANGE_NAME).execute()

# Convert to CSV
with open('/path/to/your/folder/sheet.csv', 'w') as f:
    for row in sheet.get('values', []):
        f.write(','.join(row) + '\n')

print('Sheet downloaded as CSV.')

You can test that the script works correctly by running the following snippet and checking that the CSV is created.

python3 /path/to/your/

Step 5: Schedule the Script Using Cron

Ubuntu includes a cron runner. If you went down the Cloudflare Workers route, you could use a scheduled action. If your function is available via HTTP, there are many free cron runners that can call your endpoint for you.

For Ubuntu, open the crontab file:

crontab -e

Add a line to run your script periodically. For example, to run it daily at 1 AM:

0 1 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/your/

Replace /path/to/your/ with the actual path to your Python script.


This is purposefully a very abstract guide to give you a decent starting point to create your own solution for your own needs. If you have any questions, drop me a message and I’ll be more than happy to help. I’d love to see what you make too, so please send them over to me.

How to add Custom Variables to LiveChat

I had a task to add a Google Analytics ID to the user profile in LiveChat. We wanted to be able to match up the person we were chatting to with the analytics data in Google.

This looked really simple according to their docs. You can just use the following function:"set_session_variables", {
  username: "john.doe",
  cart_value: "450",
  "order date": "05/21/2019",

What their docs failed to mention, and caused hours of headaches trying to debug a race condition, is that this function needs to be invoked as part of the On Ready callback. If you update the session variables once the chat has started, they won’t get saved. I had further complexity due to LiveChat being loaded by GTM, so I needed to use a MutationObserver to listen to the node being added to the DOM, before initialising the On Ready callback.

Here’s the full code for my solution:

function onReady(data) {
  // Replace this object with an object of variables you need to push into LiveChat
  const customVariables = { googleClientId: 'ID' };"set_session_variables", customVariables);

// Select the node that will be observed for mutations
const liveChatMutationObserverTargetNode = document.body;

// Options for the observer (which mutations to observe)
const liveChatMutationObserverConfig = { childList: true, subtree: true };

// Callback function to execute when mutations are observed
const liveChatMutationObserverCallback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
  for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
    if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
      let addedNodes = mutation.addedNodes;
      // Loop through all added nodes
      addedNodes.forEach(function(node) {
        if( === 'chat-widget-container') {
          // Element with ID 'chat-widget-container' has been added
          console.log('Chat widget added to the DOM');

          if (typeof LiveChatWidget !== 'undefined' && typeof LiveChatWidget.on === 'function') {
            LiveChatWidget.on('ready', onReady)

          // Optional: Disconnect the observer after the element is found

// Create an instance of the MutationObserver
const liveChatMutationObserver = new MutationObserver(liveChatMutationObserverCallback);

// Start observing the target node for configured mutations
liveChatMutationObserver.observe(liveChatMutationObserverTargetNode, liveChatMutationObserverConfig);

Hopefully, this code can help others overcome any similar problems and save hours of debugging when working with LiveChat.

This one Nuxt trick prevents broken deploys

Have you ever experienced broken deploys while using Nuxt? It can be frustrating when your build encounters errors, but still proceeds to deploy all the files, resulting in broken pages on your website. Fortunately, I discovered a handy Nuxt trick that prevents such broken deploys and ensures a more reliable deployment process.

In my case, I encountered occasional rate limits while making API calls, which caused some pages to be deployed without any content. However, even with these errors, Nuxt 2 completes the build process with a success code, leading to the deployment of incomplete pages. To overcome this issue, I found a simple solution: adding the --fail-on-error flag to the Nuxt build command.

By incorporating the --fail-on-error flag, Nuxt is instructed to halt the build process immediately upon encountering any errors. This prevents the deployment of incomplete or broken pages, providing a more accurate representation of your website to visitors. Whether you are using Netlify or any other static hosting platform, this trick can be applied to ensure a reliable deployment process.

With this Nuxt trick in place, you can rest assured that your deployments will only go live when everything has been successfully built without errors. No longer will you have to worry about visitors stumbling upon pages with missing content due to API rate limits or other build failures. The --fail-on-error flag acts as a safeguard, ensuring that your website is consistently deployed in a reliable and complete state.

So, if you’ve been facing issues with broken deploys while using Nuxt, give this simple trick a try. Incorporating the --fail-on-error flag into your Nuxt build command will help you avoid incomplete deployments, resulting in a more seamless and error-free website for your users. Remember, a small adjustment like this can go a long way in preventing broken deploys and enhancing the overall user experience.

The importance of read time for blog posts and how to automatically generate it using Node.js

In today’s fast-paced digital world, attention spans are getting shorter, and users often have limited time to consume content. As a result, providing readers with an estimated reading time can be a valuable feature for any blog or content-based website.

Why having a read time for a blog post is important

  1. Managing User Expectations: By displaying the estimated read time, you set clear expectations for your readers. They can gauge the commitment required to consume your content and make informed decisions based on their available time. This transparency improves user experience and helps build trust with your audience.
  2. Time Management: Modern readers appreciate efficient time management. Providing a read time estimation enables them to plan their reading activities accordingly. They can allocate specific time slots for reading longer articles or save shorter ones for breaks. This feature empowers users to make better use of their limited time and encourages engagement with your content.
  3. Enhancing UX and Engagement: Including a read time encourages readers to start reading an article with confidence, knowing the approximate investment of time required. It helps eliminate the fear of stumbling upon long, time-consuming pieces without prior knowledge. This can result in increased engagement, reduced bounce rates, and higher overall satisfaction with your website.
  4. SEO Benefits: Search engines consider user engagement metrics when ranking websites. If visitors spend more time on your pages and engage with your content, search engines may interpret it as a positive signal, potentially boosting your website’s visibility in search results. Providing a read time can contribute to longer session durations and improved SEO performance.

Automatically generate a read time using Node.js

import { load } from 'cheerio'

function stripTags (html) {
  return html.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '')
function getReadingTime(content, isHtml = false) {
  const avgWordsPerMin = 200;
  let contentToProcess = content;

  if (isHtml) {
    const $ = load(contentToProcess, null, false);
    contentToProcess = $.html();
    contentToProcess = stripTags(contentToProcess);

  const count = contentToProcess.match(/\w+/g).length;
  return Math.ceil(count / avgWordsPerMin);

Let’s break down the implementation step by step:

  1. Import: We need the Cheerio library to parse HTML in Node.js. If you want to use this function in regular old JavaScript, you can adapt it and create an element on the DOM instead. To install Cheerio, you can run the following command npm i cheerio.
  2. Parameters: The getReadingTime function takes two parameters:
    content: The content of the article or blog post, either in plain text or HTML format.
    isHtml (optional): A boolean flag indicating whether the content is in HTML format. By default, it is set to false.
  3. HTML Processing: If the isHtml flag is set to true, the function uses the load function from Cheerio to parse the HTML content. It then removes any content inside <pre> tags as this doesn’t really count towards reading the blog. It then converts the HTML to plain text using the stripTags function.
  4. Word Count Calculation: The function uses a regular expression (/\w+/g) to split the processed content into an array of words. The match method is then used to count the number of words.
  5. Read Time Calculation: The average reading speed is assumed to be 200 words per minute (avgWordsPerMin). The function divides the word count by this average and rounds up using Math.ceil to get the estimated read time in minutes.

In conclusion, implementing read-time functionality in your blog or website can significantly enhance user experience, improve engagement, and help readers manage their time effectively. By providing readers with estimated read times, you empower them to make informed decisions and create a more engaging environment. With the Node.js code snippet provided, you can easily calculate the read time of your content and incorporate this valuable feature into your technical blog.

Adding syntax highlighting to my blog with Torchlight


A little while ago I read the following blog post, Web Component for a Code Block by Chris Coyier, it got me thinking about how I could enhance the code blocks on my website. This is a tech blog after all, and from time to time I want to share tips and tricks which involve code snippets. Code syntax highlighting is vital for blog posts because it helps to visually distinguish different elements of code, making it easier to read, understand, and spot errors. HTML has very handy <pre> and <code> elements which help with the markup. I previously had some styling that left me with this solution:

Note that all the text is just white, not at all what you would see in your IDE of choice.

Research & Implementation

All of the content on this blog is hosted on WordPress, and I’ve built a Nuxt module to fetch the content and transform it which I’ll write another blog post on at a later date once I’ve finalised the API for it.

I initially extended my module to process all <pre> elements in a blog post. I wrote a loop over each element and which let me experiment with a few different syntax highlighting libraries.

Chris had used PrismJS in his web component, so I thought that was as best a place to start as any. It was relatively easy to install with Yarn.

I realised none of my code examples included a language, and Prism needed a language set for each block. I went down a rabbit hole of finding a language detector. Trying to Google that got a lot of results for detecting human languages, such as English or Spanish, rather than code languages, such as JavaScript or PHP. I did find a few detectors, including one based on what GitHub use, Linguist, but most of the auto-detection libraries rely on other contextual clues such as file extension, whereas I just wanted to pass a string to the detector.

I then found a blog from LogRocket, exploring the best syntax highlighting libraries, and looked into Highlight.js. They offer an auto-detection language feature which worked, but wasn’t very accurate. Similar to PrismJS, it was very quick to get a working solution together.

I bit the bullet and went through all of my old blog posts and assigned each code block a language. It didn’t take much longer than 5 minutes as I didn’t have that many code blocks in the first place. I was just over-complicating things!

I stumbled upon another blog post talking about the Torchlight syntax highlighting library and realised that Highlight.js was not very good at Syntax highlighting at all. Torchlight works slightly differently from Highlight.js and PrismJS in that it is a HTTP API. You pass your content to it, and it returns it with syntax highlighting. The highlighter is closed-source, but it uses the engine behind VSCode, so highlighting is much more accurate. The code examples on my site could match exactly what I see in VSCode, perfect! Using Torchlight also meant I could pre-render the highlighting, massively reducing the weight of scripts I was making the end user download. I’m all about performance, so I was sold. There’s a JavaScript client library but it had no docs, so I had to spend a lot of time in the source code figuring out how everything works.

To get started, you import the Torchlight constructor and call the init() method. The Torchlight constructor takes 3 arguments, a configuration object, a cache class, and a boolean of whether to perform a re-initialisation if Torchlight has already been set up. The library offers a makeConfig() helper function, which looks for a torchlight.config.js file in the root directory if it is not passed a configuration object. For my case, I was happy with the defaults Torchlight sets, but wanted to change the theme, so opted to pass this through the function rather than created a config file. I took an informed guess from the options that are available to the other libraries. Torchlight has various themes available which are documented here. Torchlight offers 2 caching mechanisms, a file-based cache, and an in-memory cache. As this site is statically generated, an in-memory cache wouldn’t be any good for me, so I set up a file cache. Again, the library provides a handy helper, allowing you to call new FileCache or new MemoryCache. The FileCache constructor takes a configuration object allowing you to specify the directory in which to cache the files. For each request to the HTTP API, Torchlight stores the response in a JSON file in this directory. When making a request, Torchlight looks in the cache directory first, checking the expiration time, before making a new request to the HTTP API if needed. I omitted the force argument as this is set to false by default.

import { makeConfig, torchlight, FileCache } from '@torchlight-api/client'

  await makeConfig({
    theme: 'dark-plus'
  new FileCache({
    directory: './.torchlight-cache'

I installed the netlify-plugin-cache package which allows you to specify directories that Netlify should cache. This means that the .torchlight-cache directory persists between builds. I added the following to my netlify.toml.

# netlify.toml
package = "netlify-plugin-cache"
  paths = [

Now that Torchlight was set up, I actually needed to pass code to it to highlight. There’s another class, block, which you create for every block of code you want to highlight. You push these into an array and then call torchlight.highlight() on it, which returns you an array of highlighted blocks. The block constructor takes 2 arguments, the code, and the language. I’ve added CSS classes to all my code blocks now, so can grab the language from there. I’m using the Cheerio library to parse the WordPress post content, so fetching a class is very simple. I also add the language as a data attribute to the code block, so I can display it with CSS. WordPress’s post content is HTML encoded, so I use the he library to decode it before adding it to the block. This allows HTML inside code blocks to be formatted correctly. The block class generates a unique id, which we set on the <code> element to enable us to update its content once we have received the highlighted code.

import { load } from 'cheerio'
import he from 'he'
import { Block } from '@torchlight-api/client'

$('pre code').each((i, code) => {
  const $code = $(code)
  let language = $code.parent().attr('class').split(' ').find((className) => className.startsWith('language-')) || null
  if (language) {
    language = language.replace('language-', '')
    $code.parent().attr('data-language', language)
  const torchlightBlock = new Block({
    code: he.decode($code.html()),

Now that we have created each block ready for highlighting, we can make the request to the Torchlight API. The JS library has some features to optimise requests, such as sending chunks, so we use the helper function torchlight.highlight() here. We then loop through each highlighted block and update the HTML with the highlighted version, notice how the ID comes in handy here for selecting the correct code block.

const highlightedBlocks = await torchlight.highlight(torchlightBlocks)

highlightedBlocks.forEach((highlightedBlock) => {
  const $code = $(`pre code[data-torchlight-id="${}"]`)



That’s it, code snippets have been highlighted in a performant and accurate way. You can see them in action on this very post. I obviously have a lot of custom styling but this is personal preference. The nice thing about Torchlight is that all the styling for the highlighting is done inline, so no need to include any other stylesheets and worry about theming, just change the config property. I do like my implementation of the language identifier though, which you can see a snippet of CSS for below:

pre.torchlight {
  position: relative;
  &:before {
    position: absolute;
    top: .75rem;
    right: 1.25rem;
    z-index: 10;
    color: #858585;
    transition: color .25s ease-out;
    content: attr(data-language)

Going back to the original blog post that introduced me to Torchlight, I did want to have a go at adding copy-all functionality to my code snippets. The blog’s example was using Statamic and Alpine, so I had to adapt it to my Nuxt use case. The copyable Torchlight config option did nothing for me, but the original code was available in the response object under the code key. The basic idea is to add a container to each code block which contains text to be displayed when a user clicks the copy button, the copy button itself, and the raw code to copy. I could again use the he library to encode the code so that it would display correctly inside of the <code> element.

<div class="copy-button__container js-copy-to-clipboard-container">
  <div class="copy-button__text js-copy-to-clipboard-notification">Copied!</div>
    title="Copy to clipboard"
    class="copy-button__button js-copy-to-clipboard-button"
<span class="torchlight-copy-target js-copy-to-clipboard-target" style="display: none">${he.encode(highlightedBlock.code)}</span>

I then wrote some JavaScript for the client side to handle clicking the copy button. I’ve been using classes for this type of thing a lot at Rareloop and it’s really helped me write cleaner code. I’m passing the registerCopyToClipboardContainers() function to a Vue mixin, but it could be used quite easily in vanilla js.

class CopyToClipboard {
  constructor (container) {
    this.container = container
    this.notification = this.container.querySelector('.js-copy-to-clipboard-notification')
    this.button = this.container.querySelector('.js-copy-to-clipboard-button')
    this.textToBeCopied = this.container.parentElement.querySelector('.js-copy-to-clipboard-target')

    this.button.addEventListener('click', () => {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 2000)
function registerCopyToClipboardContainers () {
  document.querySelectorAll('.js-copy-to-clipboard-container').forEach((element) => {
    return new CopyToClipboard(element)

The CSS is then as simple as below. We hide the raw code, and the copied notification, position the icon at the bottom right of our <pre> element, and show the copied notification when the .copied class gets applied.

.torchlight-copy-target {
  display: none
.copy-button__container {
  position: absolute;
  right: 1.25rem;
  bottom: .75rem;
  z-index: 10;
  display: flex;
  gap: .5rem;
  align-items: center;
  height: 2rem;
  color: #858585;
  transition: color .25s ease-out;
  &:hover {
    color: white;
    .copy-button__button {
      background-color: white
.copy-button__text {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity .25s ease-out;
  &.copied {
    opacity: 1
.copy-button__button {
  width: 2rem;
  height: 2rem;
  padding: 0;
  background-color: #858585;
  border: 0;
  cursor: pointer;
  mask-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' fill='none' viewBox='0 0 24 24' stroke-width='1.5' stroke='currentColor'%3E%3Cpath stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' d='M11.35 3.836c-.065.21-.1.433-.1.664 0 .414.336.75.75.75h4.5a.75.75 0 00.75-.75 2.25 2.25 0 00-.1-.664m-5.8 0A2.251 2.251 0 0113.5 2.25H15c1.012 0 1.867.668 2.15 1.586m-5.8 0c-.376.023-.75.05-1.124.08C9.095 4.01 8.25 4.973 8.25 6.108V8.25m8.9-4.414c.376.023.75.05 1.124.08 1.131.094 1.976 1.057 1.976 2.192V16.5A2.25 2.25 0 0118 18.75h-2.25m-7.5-10.5H4.875c-.621 0-1.125.504-1.125 1.125v11.25c0 .621.504 1.125 1.125 1.125h9.75c.621 0 1.125-.504 1.125-1.125V18.75m-7.5-10.5h6.375c.621 0 1.125.504 1.125 1.125v9.375m-8.25-3l1.5 1.5 3-3.75' /%3E%3C/svg%3E");
  mask-size: contain;
  mask-position: center;
  mask-repeat: no-repeat;
  transition: background-color .25s ease-out

The final code for highlighting my post content with Torchlight is below:

// modules/prepare-wordpress-content/convert-code.js
import { load } from 'cheerio'
import he from 'he'
import { makeConfig, Block, torchlight, FileCache } from '@torchlight-api/client'

export async function syntaxHighlightCodeWithTorchlight (postContent) {
  const regex = /<pre.*?>/g
  const matches = postContent.match(regex)
  if (!matches) {
    return postContent
  const $ = load(postContent, null, false)

    await makeConfig({
      theme: 'dark-plus'
    new FileCache({
      directory: './.torchlight-cache'
  const torchlightBlocks = []

  $('pre code').each((i, code) => {
    const $code = $(code)
    let language = $code.parent().attr('class').split(' ').find((className) => className.startsWith('language-')) || null
    if (language) {
      language = language.replace('language-', '')
      $code.parent().attr('data-language', language)
    const torchlightBlock = new Block({
      code: he.decode($code.html()),
  const highlightedBlocks = await torchlight.highlight(torchlightBlocks)

  highlightedBlocks.forEach((highlightedBlock) => {
    const $code = $(`pre code[data-torchlight-id="${}"]`)



    <div class="copy-button__container js-copy-to-clipboard-container">
      <div class="copy-button__text js-copy-to-clipboard-notification">Copied!</div>
        title="Copy to clipboard"
        class="copy-button__button js-copy-to-clipboard-button"
    <span class="torchlight-copy-target js-copy-to-clipboard-target" style="display: none">${he.encode(highlightedBlock.code)}</span>
  return $.html()

For all of the code I added, check out this commit.

Adding Algolia search to my 404 page

My site is pretty small, so I don’t really need search functionality, but the Netlify Algolia plugin looked easy enough to use and a bit of fun.

Diving into the docs, I got a bit overwhelmed. Algolia’s breadth of capabilities is huge. They definitely seem like the go-to for fully customisable search on a Jamstack site. But all I wanted was a quick half an hour set up. I started reading a few articles and eventually figured out that Algolia offers two main products, instantsearch and autocomplete. Instantsearch is wildly extensible and has an array of UI components to create full search experiences. Autocomplete, on the other hand, adds a little search box like I’ve seen on so many sites.

I installed the Netlify plugin and kicked off a new build to get the crawler running automatically which indexed the content on my site. As I’m using Nuxt, all of the pages are pre-rendered so the crawler can parse the content. If you have an SPA, you’ll need to tweak a config setting in your netlify.toml file to get the crawler to render the Javascript on the page.

package = "@algolia/netlify-plugin-crawler"
  branches = ['main', 'develop', 'feat/add-algolia']
  disabled = true
  pathPrefix = "/blog"
  customDomain = ""
  renderJavaScript = true # [tl! focus]

I then tried to install the @algolia/algoliasearch-netlify-frontend plugin, but the install is broken on Windows because they’re using a UNIX specific command in their postinstall script. I started off by including it from JSDelivr instead as per their docs, but ran into some issues with not being able to use the head property on the Nuxt error layout.

I wrote a little load script wrapper in the mounted hook, but this felt a little slow, having to load resources from a 3rd party, all the extra DNS overhead that that brings, and what if jsDelivr went down (unlikely).

mounted () {
    this.loadScript('', () => {
        // Options
  methods: {
    loadScript (url, callback) {
      const script = document.createElement('script')
      script.src = url
      script.onload = callback

What I really wanted was to be able to import an es module and bundle it with my code, like a normal Javascript package. I ended up enabling Typescript in my project, my first foray, copying Algolia’s source files, and importing like so (much simpler).

import algoliasearchNetlify from './AlgoliasearchNetlify'

You can view the commit that adds the @algolia/algoliasearch-netlify-frontend package to my project. There’s a bit of technical debt here in that I manually need to update files if Algolia update their package, but it also means I can customise it no-end if need be. I also now control the requirements of Algolias core packages like @algolia/autocomplete-js and @algolia/client-search, so can keep things more up-to-date. I feel like it’s a good compromise.

The Netlify walkthrough gives you the following code snippet, but I found it really difficult to work out what all the env variables were and which page in the Algolia dashboard to go to to get the right variable. I worked out that the dashboard shows you different API keys depending on which application you had last visited. How I longed for Stripe’s docs here which automatically fill in the code samples with your keys.

    appId: '<YOUR_ALGOLIA_APP_ID>',
    apiKey: '<YOUR_ALGOLIA_API_KEY>',
    siteId: '<YOUR_NETLIFY_SITE_ID>',
    branch: '<YOUR_TARGET_GIT_BRANCH>',
    selector: 'div#search',

Now I had a working search! I wanted to style it a little though, which Algolia let you do through their config options. Just place this code in the algoliasearchNetlify config options.

theme: {
  mark: '#fff', // Color of the matching content
  background: '#23263b', // Background Color of the input and the panel
  selected: '#111432', // Background Color of the selected item
  text: '#d6d6e7', // Color of the title of the items
  colorSourceIcon: '#d6d6e7' // Color of the icon on the left of results

After plugging the values in, I realised I’d need to dynamically update them due to the dark theme toggle on my site. I experimented a little with watching a darktheme prop and trying to destroy and recreate the search container, but eventually dove into their source code and picked out the bits of CSS I needed to change. Here’s a snippet of what I added:

#search .aa-Autocomplete, .aa-Panel, .aa-DetachedContainer {
  --height: 3rem;
  --height-icon: 1.5rem;
  --color-input-icon: var(--grey);
  --color-mark: var(--green);
  --color-background: white;
  --color-selected: #ECECEC;
  --color-text: var(--grey);
  --color-source-icon: var(--grey)

The way the autocomplete works is that when you start typing, a popup displays with the top results. You can configure how many to show, but I left it at the default which is 5. Annoyingly, whenever you click off the window, the popup disappears, so you can’t inspect it with dev tools. I did some Googling and found that you could pass a debug option to algoliasearchNetlify which keeps the popup open. That let me make the final styling touches I needed.

    appId: '<YOUR_ALGOLIA_APP_ID>',
    apiKey: '<YOUR_ALGOLIA_API_KEY>',
    siteId: '<YOUR_NETLIFY_SITE_ID>',
    branch: '<YOUR_TARGET_GIT_BRANCH>',
    selector: 'div#search',
    debug: true // [tl! focus]

Overall, it was a bit of a pain to add Algolia with the Netlify plugin, the whole integration feels rushed on their part. It’s not quite plug and play for an SPA or SSG. I can imagine it works well if you just have HTML files though and don’t mind a few extra 3rd party resources. If I were to need a comprehensive search functionality in the future, I’d definitely go with Algolia, but for smaller projects, I’ll be looking for something less complex. Take a look at the new search feature.

Dragging to Scroll with JavaScript

My portfolio has some cards to showcase projects and blog posts. On mobile, these cards display in a horizontal slider, which is easy enough to scroll on a touchscreen, or trackpad, but what if someone is viewing the website at a small size on a device with a mouse? Well they can of course use the circular buttons below the cards, but I wanted to give these users an experience the same as on a touchscreen, allowing them to drag and scroll the card list.

I’ve used the vue-dragscroll library before on another project, but fancied a challenge of doing it myself for my portfolio.

I came across this article, and adapted the code to fit my use-case.

The code

.scroll-container {
  display: grid;
  column-gap: 10px;
  grid-auto-flow: column;
  // We set the grid colums here, a gutter each side, then I have 6 cards so I use the grid repeat function to make 6 equal width columns. The columns are 100vw minus the left and right gutter, and minus the column gap we set above
  grid-template-columns: 30px repeat(6, calc(100vw - 80px)) 30px;
  // We want to allow the cards to overflow horizontally
  overflow-x: auto;
  padding: 0;

  // This allows snapping to each card, so we don't get stuck half over one card and half over another.
  scroll-snap-type: x mandatory;
.drag-scroll--enabled {
  cursor: grab
.drag-scroll--scrolling {
  cursor: grabbing;
  user-select: none;
  // We set the scroll-snap-type to none here to allow for a more natural experience with dragging and scrolling. If we didn't, you wouldn't see any indication that you are scrolling the container
  scroll-snap-type: none
<div ref="container" class="row grid scroll-container">
  <div class="card">
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      position: {
        left: 0,
        x: 0
  mounted () {
    // We want to listen to the resize listener here to enable/disable the drag to scroll functionality depending on the layout of the page - for example, on my site, the cards are only in a horizontal slider below the 768px breakpoint. I chose to handle this with CSS in case I want to use these functions elsewhere, rather than having these breakpoints set in the JS
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.dragScrollWatcher)
  beforeDestroy () {
    // We want to clear up any event listeners when we switch pages
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.dragScrollWatcher)
methods: {
    dragScrollWatcher () {

      // We only want to start drag scroll if the following conditions are met
      if (!this.hasTouchScreen() && this.hasOverflowAuto()) {
      } else {
    startDragScroll () {

      // We set a listener for mousedcown so we know when to start the drag and scroll
      document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.mouseDownHandler)
 We set this class on the container to allow the CSS to set some styles such as the cursor: grab
    stopDragScroll () {
      document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.mouseDownHandler)
      // This clears up some event listeners and resets our classes
    hasTouchScreen () {

      // If this is a touch device, scrolling is already easy, so we don't need to enable our drag scroll feature
      return ('ontouchstart' in window)
    hasOverflowAuto () {
        Rather than worrying about breakpoints here, we let CSS handle it, as they may be different for each component
        If overflow-x: auto is not on the element, then it is not a scrolling element, so we don't need to run DragToScroll
      return (getComputedStyle(this.$refs.container).getPropertyValue('overflow-x') === 'auto')
    mouseDownHandler (e) {

      // We set a class here to let the CSS know that we are currently scrolling, and to apply the relevant styles, such as the grabbing cursor

      this.position = {
        // The current scroll
        left: this.$refs.container.scrollLeft,
        // Get the current mouse position
        x: e.clientX

      // We want to listen to the mouse move so we know how much to scroll the container
      document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMoveHandler)

      // We want to know when to stop dragging and scrolling
      document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler)
    mouseMoveHandler (e) {
      // How far the mouse has been moved
      const dx = e.clientX - this.position.x

      // Scroll the element
      this.$refs.container.scrollLeft = this.position.left - dx
    mouseUpHandler () {

      // We don't care about listening to the mouse moving now, so we can remove the listener
      document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMoveHandler)
      // We've just fired this listener, so no need to fire it again
      document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler)

      // We can now remove the class which means we don't show the styles specific to when we are scrolling

How it looks

Native touch scroll

Dragging to Scroll with JavaScript

I often find articles and need some further context before I can adapt them, so all of the source code of my site is available on GitHub for you to view. You can always contact me if you need further help.