Our neighbour gave us two free tickets for IWM Duxford Flying Legends 2018.
The weather was scorching hot and we needed a lot of ice creams and drinks.
I paid for a flight line walk and managed to take lots of very good close-up photos. A bargain for just £5.
If I had known we were going to the airshow sooner, I would have bought the Sony A77ii I’ve had my eye on.
Seeing the F35 with the Spitfire and Mustang was by far my favourite bit of the show.
It took a long time to edit the photos as there were quite a few dust spots caused by the very dry grass being blown up onto the lens.
I entered the Flying Legends Photographic Competition. The theme was to “Sum up the spirit of Flying Legends”. I thought the photo below best did that.
Me and Mum also edited the following photos in an old-fashioned way: